Kids Club

Kids Club Every Sunday at 11:00 AM 

We run a children's programme each Sunday morning while the main church service is on. Primary school children and below are welcome. Everyone starts together in the main room for a couple of songs; then, around 11:15 am, the children leave the main room to go next door to a hall where the teachers teach from The Jesus Storybook Bible. Creche with toys and a play mat are provided for the younger children.

The Jesus Storybook Bible is a simpler version of the Bible to help the children understand the message. We teach one story per week, followed by questions. This is an opportunity for the children to engage and ask questions about the story. We follow this with a colouring sheet, worksheet or craft related to the story. We also play games and do memory games or fun activities.

We run a kids' camp or fun day several times during the year. This is usually at Easter, Christmas and summer, and all are free of charge. We follow a similar format to the Sunday programme, but with the extra time, we can do more crafts and spend more time on group activities and games. Here is a video of what to expect from The Jesus storybook bible. We hope you will join us soon on Sunday mornings as we learn more about Jesus and what he has to say to us from the Bible.

All of our teachers and helpers are Garda vetted and have experience working with children.

Download our child protection policy for more details. 

YBC Child Protection Policy 2020 V 2
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